Motive Project

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A MOTIVE poster

 A MOTIVE poster can be downloaded from here. The poster describes the project objectives, methods and expected results in a concise way. It also gives information on the project partners and information flow in the project.

MOTIVE leaflet

 A MOTIVE leaflet can be downloaded from here. It describes the MOTIVE project objectives, methods and expected results in more detail and also contains information on MOTIVE case studies.



 A logo of MOTIVE can be downloaded from here. The logo is in the jpg format.


General MOTIVE presentations







Models for Adaptive Forest Management

The MOTIVE general presentation introduces the basic facts together with the first results and impacts of the project in a PPT presentation.

Introduction to MOTIVE mid-term results

Marc Hanewinkel

MOTIVE Decision-maker and Stakeholder Advisory Board

Baden-Baden, Germany

30 November 2011

Adapting to climate change: research & policy dialogue

Gert-Jan Nabuurs

Adapting to climate change: research & policy dialogue workshop

Brussels, Belgium

26 October 2011

How to respond to climate and land use change in European forests?

Marcus Lindner

1st EIONET NRC Meeting on Forest

Copenhagen, Denmark

8-9 September 2011

Adaptive forest management under climate

change in Europe – strategies developed in

the MOTIVE project

Christopher Reyer

Adaptation Futures – International Conference on Climate Adaptation

Tucson, Arizona, USA

29-31 May 2012

Models for Adaptive Forest Management - Introduction Final Meeting


Marc Hanewinkel

MOTIVE final meeting

Freiburg, Germany

10 April 2013

Options for adaptive forest management in European forests

Marc Hanewinkel

ThinkForest Seminar: Climate Change in European Forests - How to Adapt

Thinkforest, Brussels

25 April 2013

Modelsfor Adaptive-Forest-Management underClimateChange

Marc Hanewinkel

European ClimateChange Conference

Hamburg, Germany

19 March 2013

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