Logo |
Country |
Partner’s name |
Website |
Netherlands |
Alterra WageningenUR(ALT) |
http://www.alterra.wur.nl/NL |
Germany |
Albert Ludwigs Universitat Freiburg (ALU) |
http://www.uni-freiburg.de |
Austria |
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) |
http://www.boku.ac.at |
Spain |
Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF) |
http://www.creaf.uab.es |
International organization |
European Forest Institute, including EFIMED Mediterranean Regional Office (EFI) |
http://www.efi.int |
Switzerland |
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) |
http://www.ethz.ch/index_EN |
Spain |
FORECO Technologies (FORECO) |
http://www.forecotech.com/ english/0_homepage.htm |
UK |
Forest Research (FR) |
http://www.forestresearch.gov.uk |
Germany |
Forest ResearchInstituteofBaden-Wurtemberg(FVA) |
http://www.fva-bw.de |
Czech Republic |
Institute of Forest Ecosystem Research (IFER) |
http://www.ifer.cz |
France |
French National Institute for Agriculture Research (INRA) |
http://www.international.inra.fr |
Portugal |
Technical University of Lisboa (ISA) |
http://www.utl.pt |
Bulgaria |
PENSOFT Publishers Ltd (PENSOFT) |
http://www.pensoft.net |
Germany |
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) |
http://www.pik-potsdam.de |
Sweden |
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) |
http://www.slu.se |
Denmark |
University of Copenhagen, Forest Landscape (UCPH) |
http://en.sl.life.ku.dk |
Bulgaria |
University of Forestry (UF) |
http://www.ltu.bg/Pages/ Main_file_ENG.html |
Finland |
University of Eastern Finland (UEF) |
http://www.uef.fi/uef/english |
Romania |
University Stefan Cel Mare, Suceava (USV) |
http://www.usv.ro |
Switzerland |
Swiss Federal Research Institute (WSL) |
http://www.wsl.ch |