Motive Project

Atlas of Biodiversity Risk

by: Pavel Stoev

PENSOFT is pleased to announce that the Atlas of Biodiversity Risk, a major multidisciplinary and multinational project, was published on 22nd of May 2010. This is one of the outputs of the European project ALARM (performed by 68 partner organisations from 35 countries), with contributions from 366 authors from more than 180 institutions in 43 countries. The book is first of its kind and summarizes in a comprehensive, easy-to-read and richly illustrated form the major threats to biodiversity at a global scale. The global climate and land use changes, environmental pollution, loss of pollinators and biological invasions are among the major risks for biodiversity identified by this comprehensive study. The impacts and consequences of biodiversity loss are analyzed with an emphasis on the socio-economic drivers and their effect on society. Three scenarios of potential future are the baseline for predicting impacts and explore options for mitigating adverse effects at several spatio-temporal scales. The Atlas is divided into chapters which mostly deal with particular pressures. It furthermore is based on case studies from different countries which are completed by introductory and concluding texts for each chapter.

The Atlas targets a wide audience. Scientists will find summaries of useful contemporary methods, approaches and case studies, lecturers and teachers will discover examples to illustrate the main challenges of our century in terms of global environmental changes. Conservationists and policy-makers could make use in their work of the comprehensive conclusions and recommendations resulting from the academic research. Finally, all people concerned about saving the life on our planet will find it a powerful tool in their efforts for protection of nature! This Atlas is indispensable for any library or institution in the sphere of environmental sciences.

The Atlas of Biodiversity Risk will be officially presented at the Green Week Conference in Brussels, on 3rd of June, 18:00, at the UFZ/Pensoft Stand (No. 48).

Josef Settele, Lyubomir Penev, Teodor Georgiev, Ralf Grabaum, Vesna Grobelnik, Volker Hammen, Stefan Klotz, Mladen Kotarac & Ingolf Kuehn (Eds) (2010) Atlas of Biodiversity Risk. ISBN 978-954-642-446-4. Hardback, gross-format (290x350 mm), richly illustrated with maps, photos and figures, 280 pp.

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