Motive Project

Conference alert: Forest Ecosystems and Climate Changes

by: Minna Korhonen

Forest Ecosystems and Climate Changes - International Scientific Conference
March, 2010
Belgrade, Serbia
Organized by Institute of Forestry, Belgrade

Modern society will be in the future dedicate to concern about climate change, and growing needs for sustainable sources of energy and materials. Although it is too late to stop climate warming and changing, it is possible to reduce intensity and consequences of those changes.
Present forests are representing the most massive system for storage of atmospheric carbon. As long as a certain percentage of living trees will exist, it will be possible to absorb CO2.
Intention of organizer of this meeting is to consider all aspects of climate changes influence, present situation, to exchange experiences (both international and domestic), to define values and problems and suggest measures for prevention of negative influence of climate changes, as well as measures of forests adjustment on present conditions.

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