Motive Project

Best Practices – Adaptation of European Forests to Climate Change

by: Minna Korhonen

During a recent conference, the MOTIVE-project (Models for Adaptive Forest Management) co-organised a workshop focusing on the applicability of key forest management adaptation measures in space and time. The workshop aimed to raise the awareness of the necessity to combine practitioner\'s perspective and expertise with scientific research.

After presentations by scientists and practitioners, a group discussion addressed the factors that support or impede adaptation in forest management. A list of these factors was compiled for further use.

The participants agreed that networking is important in supporting adaptation to climate change. Seeing how climate change affects our forests is crucial in realising the fact that forests are facing unstable environmental conditions. Sharing knowledge about the anticipated changes and what others do about them is a crucial first step to consider one’s own options for adaptation. The uncertainties in the climate projections as well as in the scientific model outputs are a challenge for communication. It is dangerous to neglect uncertainties, but it is also very difficult to communicate them.

ECCA – the European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, organised in March 2013, brought together 700 scientists and practitioners working on adaptation to the impacts of climate change. The conference created a European forum bringing together world-class science, with the aim of fostering a creative dialogue with climate adaptation policy makers and practitioners. The theme of the conference was integrating climate into action. Further information on the conference can be found here:

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