Motive Project

Reviewing the Science and Implementation of Climate Change Adaptation Measures in European Forestry


A paper published in the journal Forests ‘Reviewing the Science and Implementation of Climate Change Adaptation Measures in European Forestry’ presents a comprehensive review of potential adaptation options in forestry in Europe based on three pillars: a review of the scientific literature, an analysis of current national response strategies, and an expert assessment based on a database compiled in the COST Action ECHOES (Expected Climate Change and Options for European Silviculture). The adaptation measures include responses to both risks and opportunities created by climate change and address all stages of forestry operations. For adaptation to be successful it is of the utmost importance to disseminate the knowledge of suitable adaptation measures to all decision makers from the practice to the policy level. Uncertainty about the full extent of climate change impacts and the suitability of adaptation measures creates a need for monitoring and further research. The review is based on the report for the European Commission Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI-2007-G4-06) and the extension in MOTIVE project and COST Actions ECHOES.

Reviewing the Science and Implementation of Climate Change Adaptation Measures in European Forestry by M. Kolström, M. Lindner, T. Vilén, M. Maroschek, R. Seidl, M. J. Lexer, S. Netherer, A. Kremer, S. Delzon, A. Barbati, M. Marchetti and P. Corona. Forests 2011, 2(4), 961-982. The article belongs to the Special Issue Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Climate Change and it has Open Access (

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