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Article alert: Integrated modelling approaches to analysis of climate change impacts on forests and forest management

by: Ulla Vänttinen

Aaheim, A., Chaturvedi, R.K., Sagadevan, A.D., 2011. Integrated modelling approaches to analysis of climate change impacts on forests and forest management. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 16(2): 247-266

This paper reviews integrated economic and ecological models that address impacts and adaptation to climate change in the forest sector. Early economic model studies considered forests as one out of many possible impacts of climate change, while ecological model studies tended to limit the economic impacts to fixed price-assumptions. More recent studies include broader representations of both systems, but there are still few studies which can be regarded fully integrated. Full integration of ecological and economic models is needed to address forest management under climate change appropriately. The conclusion so far is that there are vast uncertainties about how climate change affects forests. This is partly due to the limited knowledge about the global implications of the social and economical adaptation to the effects of climate change on forests.

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