Motive Project

Climate Change Strategy for Wales published

by: Ulla Vänttinen

Welsh Assembly Government has published the Climate Change Strategy (October 2010). The Strategy addresses the current scientific evidence; the impacts we might expect to see across the globe. It explores the Assembly Government’s role in leading and supporting action on tackling climate change and sets out the vision for Wales for 2050. The key target, to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 3% per year in areas of devolved competence, is explained in the Strategy. Forest has an important role in this target because it acts as a net sink and provides fossil fuel substitution benefits through woodfuel and solid timber. Details are also provided on the specific targets for the transport, residential, business, agriculture and land use, public, and waste sectors.

The anticipated climate changes for Wales and the approach to manage these changes are addressed by the Strategy. The whole document together with the two delivery plans – the Emission Reduction Delivery Plan and the Adaption Delivery Plan - can be viewed/ downloaded at:

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