Motive Project

MOTIVE Final Meeting: Open session

The final meeting of the project “Models for Adaptive Forest Management’ (MOTIVE) will take place at the Forest Research Institute of Baden-Wuerttemberg (FVA, Wonnhaldestrasse 4, Freiburg, Germany) on 9-10 April 2013. The second day, 10 April, will be organised as an open session also for external participants to learn about MOTIVE results and to discuss on the conclusions of the project. It will give an outlook on future actions and research needs on this field.

The MOTIVE project has investigated adaptive management strategies that address climate and land use change. It has also examined the impacts of these changes with respect to a broad range of forest goods and services. The project started in May 2009 and its 4-year-term is coming to the end on 30 April this year.

A tentative programme for the open session is found at:

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