Motive Project

Summer School - Adaptation to Climate Change in Forest Management: Call for Applications

Vienna / Austria
12-16 September 2011

Mission Statement & Scope
The purpose of the Summer School „Adaptation to climate change in forest management“ is to bring together high quality PhD Students and PostDocs (not more then 1 year after graduation) interested in assessing vulnerability and adapting forest management to climate change. The programme will include lectures, group work in the field and in the classroom, discussions and student´s presentations. During the group work students will explore selected methods and tools for adaptation planning including hands on examples in the field together with forest resource managers. In addition we will ask each accepted candidate to prepare a poster about her/his work for a dedicated poster session.

The Programme will focus on
- Adaptation to climate change - Concepts and Definitions
- Adaptive Capacity: How to enhance adaptive capacity? How to judge adaptive capacity?
- Uncertainty/ strategic planning
- Operational planning
- Governance and stakeholder interaction

How to apply: see the attached announcement for details

Deadline for application is 15 May 2011.

Organised by MOTIVE

See Attached files here:
PDF 98.17KB

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