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The project Models for Adaptive Forest Management

Which trees can adapt best to climate change – this is one of the key questions which the newly started project “MOdels for AdapTIVE forest Management” (MOTIVE) is trying to answer. MOTIVE investigates adaptive management strategies that address climate and land use change. It also examines the impacts of these changes with respect to a broad range of forest goods and services.

The project focuses on a wide range of European forest types under different intensities of forest management. Specific attention will be given to uncertainties and risks and how they can be considered in improved decision support tools.

The project duration is 1st May 2009 – 30th April 2013.

This project is supported by the European Commission under the Environment (including climate change) Theme of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, addressing the call FP7-ENV-2008-1 and the topic ENV. Development of adaptive forest management models. MOTIVE is a large-scale integrating project (project number 226544) funded under the specific programme on ‘Cooperation’ and a funding scheme ‘Collaborative projects’.

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